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Angels and Demons, Heaven and Hell – with Dante

An illustrated talk for anyone who wants to find out what Dante really thought the cosmos was like.

Europe’s pre-modern world was an earth-centred cosmos, with the sublunary sphere of the four elements, the realm of the planets, and the empyrean realm and the domain of God. Christian theology added the Devil at the centre of that earth – Dante followed this. But if this model were true, and all the celestial spheres were concentric, with the Empyrean surrounding everything, then the universe would have to be … diabolocentric! Dante’s illustrators struggled to represent the Divina Commedia, a poem in which almost every line presents an intense, concrete image. With the help of slides, Simon Image shows what really happens when Dante finally, in the Paradiso, passes “beyond the realm of human experience”. This talk will be of interest to those drawn to renaissance magic, Enochian angelic workings, demons, exorcism and goetia. Simon Image has an MA in Italian literature from Warwick and has a longstanding interest in Dante.


Simon Image | talks


Date and Time:

11 April 2007 at 7:15 pm


1 hour 30 minutes



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020 7419 8507

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