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Adapting to an urban future

Humans are rapidly becoming an urban species with 3.5b living in cities. How will we adapt to this growth?

Humans are rapidly becoming an urban species, with millions of people migrating to cities each year.

Over half of the world’s 7 billion people now live in urban areas and over 1 billion live in slums and favelas.

How will urban centres across the world keep pace with predicted continuing growth? What are the visions of tomorrow’s cities?


Robert Neuwirth | talks | www
Mr Doug Saunders | talks | www
Mr Peter Bishop | talks | www
Samira Ahmed (chair) | talks | www


Date and Time:

6 December 2011 at 7:00 pm


1 hour 30 minutes



21st Century Challenges, Royal Geographical Society (with IBG)
1 Kensington Gore
020 7591 3000

More at 21st Century Challenges, Royal Geographical Society (with IBG)...



£10, £7 RGS-IBG members

Available from:

Call 0207 591 3100 or for further details visit www.21stCenturyChallenges.org/challenges

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