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Mobility and Moving Populations - Cultural Benefit or Social Chaos?

Adam is Deputy Head at Rushey Mead School, and Educational Consultant on Global Citizenship

Adam will look at the issues raised by an increasingly mobile global work force and raise questions as to the educational and cultural implications.

Stay after the talk for light refreshmens and an informal chat with the speaker and other members.


Adam Newman-Turner | talks | www


Date and Time:

10 June 2007 at 6:30 pm


2 hours



Secular Hall
75 Humberstone Gate
0116 262 2250
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Organised by:

Leicester Secular Society
See other talks organised by Leicester Secular Society...




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Additional Information:

Except where stated, all meetings are free, open to the general public, and held at Secular Hall on Sundays at 6:30pm. If a lecture is cancelled a discussion meeting will be held instead, on topics proposed by those present.

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