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Lansdown Lecture: Recapturing the Sensory Commons

How truly public are so-called ‘public’ spaces? This lecture suggests artistic and practical methods for re-examining ideas of public space.

Everyday we walk through areas that are frequently called public spaces. Yet, how truly public are these spaces? Who is the public anyway? This lecture suggests artistic and practical methods for re-examining ideas of public space. How might we construct a body-centred politics that advocates the right for people to modulate their own sensory microcosm?


Christian Nold | talks | www


Date and Time:

23 January 2008 at 4:45 pm


1 hour



Lansdown Centre for Electronic Arts
Middlesex University
Cat Hill
020 8411 5072

More at Lansdown Centre for Electronic Arts...




Available from:

Additional Information:

If you easily can, please email Stephen Boyd Davis: s.boyd-davis@mdx.ac.uk if you plan to come. Thank you.

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