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Do psychology and Philosophy Need Each Other?

A lecture by Dr Julian Baggini

Traditional philosophy appears to be inadequate without psychology. It teaches logic but not all the biases of thought that are even more disruptive to good thinking than logical fallacies. Further, moral philosophy really needs to sit on a realistic psychology if it is going to work. At the same time, psychology, in as far as it makes normative claims, is inadequate without philosophy. This talk will examine some of the links between the two subjects and make some suggestions about how they should interact.

Julian Baggini is the editor of The Philosopher’s Magazine, a writer and journalist.


Dr Julian Baggini | talks | www


Date and Time:

3 March 2009 at 6:00 pm


1 hour



Psychology Seminar Series, Goldsmiths' College
Richard Hoggart Building
New Cross
SE14 6NW
020 7919 7871

More at Psychology Seminar Series, Goldsmiths' College...




Available from:

Additional Information:

SEMINARS ARE FREE and there is no need to book in advance.

Talks are open to all.

They start at 6:10 PM IN ROOM 256, Richard Hoggart Building, Goldsmiths.

For further information, contact Chris French email: c.french@gold.ac.uk).

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