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Watching the Earth from space

In this event we’ll explore the rapidly developing field of Earth observation from space.

In this event we’ll explore the rapidly developing field of Earth observation from space and discover the many fascinating connections that exist between the processes that affect our climate, our ecosystems and our natural resources.


Prof Alan O’Neill | talks
Prof Shaun Quegan | talks
Dr Seymour Laxon | talks
Prof Keith Haines | talks
Prof Barry Parsons | talks


Date and Time:

4 March 2009 at 7:00 pm


1 hour 30 minutes



The Royal Institution
21 Albemarle Street
020 7409 2992

More at The Royal Institution...



£8 standard, £6 concessions, £4 Ri Members

Available from:

For more information and to book tickets visit www.rigb.org or call the Events Team on 020 7409 2992 9.00am-5.00pm Monday to Friday.

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