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The future shape of Capitalism

Put your questions to a panel including Vince Cable MP and John Micklethwait, Editor of The Economist, chaired by BBC's Evan Davis.

Join an expert panel, including Vince Cable MP, John Mickelthwait, Editor-in-Chief if The Economist, and Evan Davis, who will discuss whether the current financial crisis and the downturn in the global economy will change the shape of capitalism as we know it today.


Vince Cable MP | talks | www
(Chair) Evan Davis | talks | www
Mr John Micklethwait | talks | www


Date and Time:

17 March 2009 at 7:00 pm


1 hour 30 minutes



21st Century Challenges, Royal Geographical Society (with IBG)
1 Kensington Gore
020 7591 3000

More at 21st Century Challenges, Royal Geographical Society (with IBG)...



£10, £7 RGS-IBG members

Available from:

Call 0207 591 3100 further details on www.21stCenturyChallenges.org

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