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Obligation or obsession? Preserving the built environment

This Study Day brings together speakers concerned with architectural heritage and gives you an opportunity to join in the debate.

We are more conscious than ever before of the value of our architectural heritage. Many individuals and institutions are committed to preserving the built environment. But preservation and conservation are not straightforward. You could ask:

How far should we go towards authenticity?
How should we decide which buildings need preserving?
What about an individual’s freedom to alter the appearance of his or her own home?
Should buildings change or should we attempt to make them remain the same?
What is the place of new buildings in an existing environment?

Speakers include:

Catherine Croft, Director of the Twentieth Century Society,
David Adshead, the National Trust’s Architectural Historian
Aoife MacNamara, Principal Lecturer at Middlesex University and curator of Bungalow Blitz, an exhibition about bungalows on the West Coast of Ireland.


Catherine Croft | talks
David Adshead | talks
Aoife MacNamara | talks


Date and Time:

19 June 2004 at 10:00 am


Full Day



Middlesex University
Cat Hill
020 8411 5244

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£20, concessions £17. Optional sandwich lunch £6.50.

Available from:

Tickets payable in advance. Booking enquiries: Abigail Addison on 020 8411 4394 or a.addison@mdx.ac.uk

Additional Information:

Registration and coffee: 10 –10.30am

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