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From Art to Ad – About the moral, legal and aesthetic consequences of a current trend

A panel of experts from both the advertising industry and film makers perspective will discuss inspiration and copyright issues.

There is a current trend emerging for existing artwork to be re-used or used as inspiration to communicate ideas commercially. This has perhaps been encouraged by social networking and file sharing sites such as YouTube. Whilst some artists find these tools can be used effectively to raise their profile, they may also leave themselves vulnerable to having their creative work copied. For example, independent film makers use such sites to access new audiences and promote their ideas and films. However, by doing so they also leave their work open to those in advertising who sometimes use sources such as YouTube for inspiration or to find existing artistic ideas which they can utilise to communicate a commercial message. Legally, there is a fine line between copying and being inspired by other people's ideas but such practice also raises moral and aesthetic questions.
Own-it have invited a panel of experts from both the advertising industry and film makers perspective to discuss inspiration, copyright issues and using tools such as internet sites to promote your creative work.

Admission is free however places are limited. To reserve your place you must register and book via the website: http://www.own-it.org/events/from-art-to-ad-the-moral-legal-and-aesthetic-consequences-of-a-current-trend


Eliza Williams | talks
Johnny Hardstaff | talks
Mr Tom Cowling | talks | www


Date and Time:

22 September 2009 at 6:30 pm


2 hours



University of the Arts London
272 High Holborn
020 7514 8500

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You must register on the Own-it website to reserve a place: http://www.own-it.org/events

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